
Q. How long will my order take to arrive?

A. It takes on average 28 days to complete your order provided all the information required has been supplied, plus 3-4 working days for transit.

Q. Can I speak to someone if I have any queries?

A. Yes! Call us on 07540 322783

Q. What are the postage and packaging charges?

A. All the prices listed on the website are inclusive of postage and packaging.

Q. Do you supply fabric swatches?

A. We can supply fabric swatches but, due to the large colour choice available and depending on stock availability, this can take several weeks.

Q. How can you tell that my measurements are correct?

A. We will confirm the measurements you have provided to us by telephone immediately after receiving your order.

Q. What do you offer that I can't get from a regular shop?

A. Your full name will be inside the jacket. You can select the style and fabric along with matching or contrasting lining.